We want your learning experience to be rewarding - and we're committed to answering your questions and sorting our problems as quickly as possible. Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ).
How do I get started?
Type in your USER NAME and PASSWORD. You will then need to change your password to ensure your privacy. Make it something easy to remember but not so common that other people might use the same one!
If you don’t know or have forgotten your USER NAME and PASSWORD then check with your supervisor or contact our help desk.
Phone: 02 9999 1993
What is the first thing I need to do once I have logged in?
Once you have logged you will need to do a few simple browser settings to enter and start the courses.
This is a safe and valid online site.
You will also need to use Internet Explorer as your browser.
Click here for help to do your browser settings.
What is password security?
When you login for the first time you will need to change your password.
Do not create a password that is the same as or similar to other passwords that you use for sensitive information e.g. bank account details. It is recommended that you make passwords longer than 8 characters and include upper and lower case letters as well as numbers and keyboard characters.
Why do you need my email address?
All information that you need for your online continuing education will be sent by email. This includes enrolment information, reminders and other information. Under the Privacy Act we are not permitted to provide your email details to third parties.
You can add or update your email in the My Details area once you login. Click the EDIT button at the bottom of the page to add information. Then click the SAVE button.
We also suggest that you check your junk or spam mail if you are not receiving emails from Aged Care Learning Solutions.
What next?
When you login for the first time:
1. There will be a Terms and Conditions document to read and agree to. This is now standard for online learning sites.
2. The system will then ask you to change your password. This is a security feature to protect your privacy.
3. Click - "My Learning" This will take you to the learning activities that you have been enrolled in.
4. Click - "View" This is located on the right hand side in the mustard box.
5. Click - "Enter" This is located on the right hand side in the mustard box.
6. Start the learning activity (course).
7. If you cannot enter or start the course click on the link on the “Enter” page that says …
Important – Click here for help if you cannot enter or start the course.
I've forgotten my password!
Use the LOST PASSWORD link on this page and follow the directions to have your password sent to the email address that is in your learner profile in the learning site.
Why am I “locked out” if I don't get my password right?
The lock out is a security feature to reduce the risk of people being able to access the learning site for unlawful purposes. If you have forgotten your password then click on the
Lost Password button and follow the directions. If you do get locked out you will be able to login again after 5 minutes.
How can I change my personal information?
You can change your personal information at any time. Once you have logged in, go to the
My Details tab in the purple bar at the top of the page. It is important to keep your personal details up to date.
I've still got some questions...
Once you log in there are more FAQ’s in
Help as well as a list of all of the currently available learning activities.
Help is located in the purple bare under the Aged Care Learning Solutions banner.
If you need more information or assistance then please call or email and we will reply during business hours: Monday to Friday.
Contact Us
Aged Care Learning Solutions
Phone: 02 9999 1993